Seve sporting his Amber necklace during "Tummy time"
Amber has been used for years to help teething pain, it's very normal in other parts of Europe. Amber beads, when warmed by body heat, release tiny amounts of succinic acid which passes trans-dermally into the blood stream where it acts as an analgesic. Seve started showing signs of teething at 9 weeks with chewing his hands, dribbling and getting quite upset, I knew a midwife who used one on all her children so I thought I would purchase one to try.
I ordered a 30cm necklace in colour Honey from a company called Love Amber X for £16.99 it arrived two days later and we started using it straight away.
Amber necklace with instructions
It took about 48 hours to notice any effect but without dramatising anything Seve turned into a different baby. He was more calm, more smiley and genuinely a pleasure to be around and has been ever since. Mummies in my group even commented on how he was really chilled out and most of them also purchased a necklace for their babies and noticed a difference. During bad teething episodes we have used some Ashton and Parsons granules or Anbesol liquid but maybe once every few days where other mums are getting through packets a day. I've also noticed no nappy rash which I'm grateful for as some nappy rash looks really painful where the skin is so raw. Seve still has lots of dribbling and fists (or anything in his hand) being chomped on, but I'm totally hooked and daren't take the necklace off!
We remove the necklace at bath time and wrap it round his ankle under his sleep suit at night, then pop it back round his neck when I dress him for the day. Either side of each bead has a knot which means if a bead was to break off none of the others would be able to come off, the clasp is light plastic which would easily break if it come under a strain, I feel making the necklace safe. Seve has worn his for a while now and is not bothered by it at all and doesn't even touch the necklace. I'm not a hippy mum but do find people are fascinated why my son wears a necklace.
Check out the link above for Love Amber as not only do they do Amber Necklaces and anklets but also stock lots of teething related products, Poddle Pods (one of my favourites) we purchased a Gumigem tool kit for one of Seve christmas presents which is a little bag with four workmans tools which are all chewable. Will update at Christmas.
We lost Seves necklace at swimming Boooo but it was actually a huge blessing ......
Firstly because Seve has bad eczema (since six months) and we had the raw necklace which I didn't realise wasn't good for eczema so we purchased a new longer 32cm Cherry polished necklace.
Secondly we was without a necklace for a week! I purchased another necklace (34cm) which was too long sent that back and got the shorter one which is perfect. We got a glimpse of Seve without a necklace and wow what a difference his teething was terrible he has never dribbled and all his clothes were covered in dribble, constantly rubbing his ears, we got through so much Anbesol liquid it was a really bad week of hardly any sleep and a broken mummy begging for her happy little boy back. Anyone who has doubts this defiantly works for Seve even Grant believes in the necklace 100% we won't be without it ever again x