
Monday 20 July 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Little Dude

Wow time really does fly when being a mum, it's been a year since we welcomed Seve into this world and it only feels like yesterday I was announcing I was pregnant. He has grown in to an extremely funny and cheeky little boy. I'm not going to say this year has been easy in fact being a mum has been a lot harder than I ever thought it would be (blog post to follow) but I can say I now feel human in myself and each day Seve amazes me with his development. 

We haven't got a walker just yet he's cruising everything and everybody he can, I don't think it will be long he just needs to get the confidence to take them first steps. 

For Seve birthday party I decided to do a Mickey Mouse theme as he really enjoys the Mickey Mouse clubhouse. We had a little gathering at our (nearly complete) house and invited close family and friends. We hired a DIY hog roast from a local company and I made ham and cheese sandwiches and pizza for the children. I also took on the mammoth task of cake baking including cupcakes and mini snickers cheesecakes which were absolutely amazing thank you A Pumpkin & A Princess for the recipe I did add some salted caramel to finish. 

One of the highlights of the party was the soft play we hired from Big Fun Soft Playit was amazing and kept all the children occupied so the adults could enjoy the afternoon. Even the adults enjoyed the bouncy castle. 

Some of the presents he received were Scuttle bug, Gruffalo puppet, Smart trike, touchy feely books, clothes, vouchers. His two favourite presents which is was lucky to receive was a Range Rover remote control car (I know too spoilt) and we brought him a sensory crocodile to put up in the play room. 

Seve enjoyed his birthday and gifts and slept like.......................A Baby!