
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Amber Teething Necklace

'Yes my little boy wears a necklace, yes it's perfectly safe'

Seve sporting his Amber necklace during "Tummy time"

Amber has been used for years to help teething pain, it's very normal in other parts of Europe. Amber beads, when warmed by body heat, release tiny amounts of succinic acid which passes trans-dermally into the blood stream where it acts as an analgesic. Seve started showing signs of teething at 9 weeks with chewing his hands, dribbling and getting quite upset, I knew a midwife who used one on all her children so I thought I would purchase one to try. 

I ordered a 30cm necklace in colour Honey from a company called Love Amber X for £16.99 it arrived two days later and we started using it straight away. 

Amber necklace with instructions

It took about 48 hours to notice any effect but without dramatising anything Seve turned into a different baby. He was more calm, more smiley and genuinely a pleasure to be around and has been ever since. Mummies in my group even commented on how he was really chilled out and most of them also purchased a necklace for their babies and noticed a difference. During bad teething episodes we have used some Ashton and Parsons granules or Anbesol liquid but maybe once every few days where other mums are getting through packets a day. I've also noticed no nappy rash which I'm grateful for as some nappy rash looks really painful where the skin is so raw. Seve still has lots of dribbling and fists (or anything in his hand) being chomped on, but I'm totally hooked and daren't take the necklace off! 

We remove the necklace at bath time and wrap it round his ankle under his sleep suit at night, then pop it back round his neck when I dress him for the day. Either side of each bead has a knot which means if a bead was to break off none of the others would be able to come off, the clasp is light plastic which would easily break if it come under a strain, I feel making the necklace safe. Seve has worn his for a while now and is not bothered by it at all and doesn't even touch the necklace. I'm not a hippy mum but do find people are fascinated why my son wears a necklace. 

Check out the link above for Love Amber as not only do they do Amber Necklaces and anklets but also stock lots of teething related products, Poddle Pods (one of my favourites) we purchased a Gumigem tool kit for one of Seve christmas presents which is a little bag with four workmans tools which are all chewable. Will update at Christmas. 


We lost Seves necklace at swimming Boooo but it was actually a huge blessing ......

Firstly because Seve has bad eczema (since six months) and we had the raw necklace which I didn't realise wasn't good for eczema so we purchased a new longer 32cm Cherry polished necklace.

Secondly we was without a necklace for a week! I purchased another necklace (34cm) which was too long sent that back and got the shorter one which is perfect. We got a glimpse of Seve without a necklace and wow what a difference his teething was terrible he has never dribbled and all his clothes  were covered in dribble, constantly rubbing his ears, we got through so much Anbesol liquid it was a really bad week of hardly any sleep and a broken mummy begging for her happy little boy back. Anyone who has doubts this defiantly works for Seve even Grant believes in the necklace 100% we won't be without it ever again x

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

What is sleep?

No really what is that thing I once called sleep. The days of having a long lay in on a Sunday are far behind me. It's lucky I love my little munchkin.

Everything I brought before Seve arrived was to aid his sleep I must admit most of the things worked some just a fad and now we are in a lovely pattern (routine) I'm getting more sleep than four months ago. I like to use the word "pattern" as at the beginning I was getting myself worked up on getting in a routine, babies must have a routine, we'll if your patient and do repetitive things yourself eventually the baby settles into their own routine no stress required. 

Our day consists of 
7am wake up, 
9.30am nap (45mins), 
12/12.30pm nap (30mins), 
2.30pm nap (2hours), 
5.30pm naked time,  
6pm bath time,
6.30pm bottle,
6.45pm bed,

This "pattern" I think is similar to Gena Ford but Seve has worked this out himself and yes there are days when he wakes earlier or later and doesn't nap as much. He usually wakes once in the night now and the past two weeks we have been using self settling at nap times and nighttime which I think has really helped Seve get to sleep and stay asleep. It's taken a bit of persevering but thinking of the long term gain it's worth it. 

A couple of the sleep aids I brought that we couldn't live without are:

Poddle pod; this is a snuggle nest, Seve slept really well in his poddle. I could put it in his Moses basket, bugaboo, our bed, anywhere and he looked really safe and comfortable. When he was tiny I placed his poddle on our nuna leaf and it was like magic. The poddle pod is for birth-6 months and then there is the toddle pod, they come in lovely colours and the fleece covers wash really well. They retail for £39.99 which is a great price for some extra sleep.
Poddle pod in action

Nuna leaf; we was brought the Nuna leaf by my in laws and although it is quite pricey (£160) it's definitely a great investment. We are usually very 'style over substance' but this product is super stylish and really practical. I love the fact you don't need any battery's or plugs and the side to side motion helps soothe baby to sleep. As a newborn we used the poddle on the Nuna, now Seve is 4 months he sits in it and plays with toys, watches TV, sleeps and takes a bottle in the leaf. It's been tested to take up to 60kgs of weight so this will last for a very long time. My only wish is they did a matching adult version!
The Nuna Leaf
Poddle pod + Nuna Leaf = Heaven

Ewan the dream sheep; this little sheep has been a lifesaver for us and is now part of our nighttime routine, each one of Ewan's legs plays different white noise Seve loves the washing machine sound. There is also a red light to mimic the womb. When I put Seve to bed I always put Ewan on and watch him fall straight to sleep. These retail for £29.99 and can be brought from Mothercare, John Lewis, Mumas & Papas, Argos etc. we are only just replacing the batteries at four months. 

Sleeping bags; Seve is a real fidget at night and got really cold when the blankets came off him so I started using sleeping bags to keep him warm. I brought two 0-6 months 2.5 tog sleeping bags from Mothercare which retail for £22.99.,default,pd.html#q=sleeping%20bags

MAM dummies; I am including these as they are my go to brand of choice and we are still using the 0-2month ones as they are the perfect size. I know dummies aren't for everyone, Seve started to use his thumb (like his dad did) but I know you can take dummies away easier than their little thumbs. I use them only when he is napping or at night and luckily he doesn't wake for his dummy. I love the MAM range.

Daddy and Seve catching some Zzzzzz

What are you go to sleep products that work for you, and do you use any set routines for your little ones. X

Friday, 3 October 2014

Birth story part 3

.......I must admit before I was being wheeled to theatre I had a little cry, part of me felt like I had failed as I really wanted a natural birth and after 28 hours it felt like I was admitting defeat. 

As I was on the bed Grant had being given scrubs to change into and the anaesthetist was running along side me explaining what was going to happen, unfortunately my mum wasn't allowed in as only one birth partner can be in theatre which I think she was quite sad about. To be honest the journey to the theatre was a bit of a blur but once there and moved onto the table we was ready to go. There seemed to be an urgency to get baby out I think due to the heart rate going up and down. Lying on the table I looked at a very pale Grant and I whispered "are you ok" (after he said I can't believe you was worried if I was ok when you was the one going through the operation).

My epidural was topped up and they began to operate, at this moment I could feel the knife cutting my skin and they stopped they put some more anaesthetic in and if this didn't work I would be put under, which I really didn't want as Grant and myself would miss the birth. The surgeon started again and it was fine phew! 

After lots of prodding and pushing they raised up this screaming little bundle and Grant announced we had had a boy, the midwife asked if he had a name and Grant looked at me and I nodded "Seve". I was slightly shocked as I was convinced it was a girl but out of relief I had tears streaming down my face. Grant was seeing to baby and for me things got a bit more scary, I had started to haemorrhage and could hear the doctor say "this is going from bad to worse" inside I had a tiny panic and thought I would be knocked out after what felt like a lifetime the screen was lowered and they congratulated me, all I could focus on was the amount of blood covering everyone. 

Lots of blood!

I was wheeled round to recovery and meet my little man for the first time after four years of trying and nine months growing this life inside me i was finally getting to meet him and he was just perfect, so tiny and precious and I couldn't quite believe I was his mummy. 
Welcome to the world

I will be wholly honest I didn't get the 'rush of love' everyone talks about and I think that was due to having the c-section and then loosing 800ml of blood but my love has grown each day I'm with Seve and both me and Grant are totally smitten.

Daddy love x

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Birth story part 2

.......I was the girl who had begged my consultant to let me go midwife led (IVF ladies are normally consultant led) and here I was in a consultant led room. I learnt very quickly that babies dictate how your labour goes. 

My midwife did an examination and I was 5cm however she could feel a lump over babies head and explained it could be a vain and it was looking likely I would need a c-section as if my waters were to break it could in theory drown baby as I could hemorrhage, three more internals in between contractions and the final consultant reassured me it wasn't a vein and broke my waters (que warm water and lots of it).

At this point I was on all fours (as this is suppose to help back labour) shouting that I wanted an epidural. My mum arrived at 10.30pm and at around 11pm the anaesthetist came in to give me my best friend, 20minutes later I was a totally different person. I did 8 hours with no pain relief not even gas and air and the epidural was heaven. I kept saying to my mum "I don't know why everyone doesn't have this it's amazing". I was put on the oxytocin drip to help speed up the labour and myself, Grant & mum slept for a few hours which was quite surreal. 
Grant found labour tiresome! 

I progressed to 7cm then 9cm by 1pm on sat 12th, yep 16 hours looking at the same four walls and listening to baby's heartbeat (very relaxing). I had to wait another 4 hours for the consultant to do another internal, due to infection then they could make a decision if I would have a c-section or a natural birth. At 5pm the consultant did his examination and baby hadn't progressed passed 9cm so the drip was removed this made baby's heart rate go all over the place and within seconds I was being wheeled down a corridor towards the theatre. 

Monitoring for hours

This definitely wasn't part of the plan but safety of me and baby was always my top priority......

Friday, 19 September 2014

Birth story part 1

The perfect birth 

We'll for me the perfect birth would have been a relatively short natural labour with hardly any pain relief, but what we want and get are sometime worlds apart. 

So at 39+6 weeks pregnant I woke up with the usual alarm of builders arriving and my dad's voice booming into the house so got up and made tea for everyone and toast for me and grant. This was around 7.30am and whilst the kettle was boiling I could feel a tightening deep inside like a period cramp but carried on and ended up cleaning the newly grouted tiles in the bedroom. At around 10am the cramps had progressed slightly and I was starting to think could this be labour! Joking around with Grant I said you might want to pack a bag just in case today's the day, poor Grant was helping manhandle steels in the extension in heavy rain.

I decided to have a lay on the sofa to see if I could feel a pattern as I know lots of people who say you can have early labour symptoms for weeks and it never progresses so I just thought as the sensation was bearable I would carry on as normal and not stress until I needed to! 

At 11am my dad coming in saying the window guy was here to measure the windows and did I want to show him around I stood in the hallway and couldn't really speak through the contraction to which my dad then said I think your in labour.

I had a small panic about my unshaven legs and decided to shower and wash my hair and then blow dry it so it was nice and straight if nothing else it was taking my mind off the contractions which had started to settle into a pattern, at one point I was crouching over the bed breathing deeply through each contraction. I downloaded a contraction counter app and started timing. I then went downstairs and sat on my ball which made me realise the contractions were starting to hurt and the pain was also mildly in my back. So at this point they were 5mins apart lasting 30sec really not bad at all. 

Grant went out to pick some stuff up and by 1pm I thought it might be best to ring the hospital, after asking all the relative questions including have you felt baby move (I really wasn't sure as all my focus was on the contractions) they said to make my way in. Grant slightly panicking made his way home and picked me up to go to hospital. 

We arrived at Lister around 3.30pm and triage finally checked me at 5pm putting me on the monitor and reading 
each contraction, yes I was definitely having contractions! The midwife then sent me upstairs to be assessed. 

Mid contraction

Still at this point the pains were fine and an internal revealed I was 2cm dilated the midwife did a sweep and asked if I was ok to go home, grant went to get the car and I was left alone. Wow the sweep moved things on and after what felt like a lifetime of me in quite a lot of pain the midwife came back. At this point my building site of a home didn't seem so appealing and i asked if I could stay, grant re-parked the car and came back. I tried a bath but the back pain made it hard to get comfy so they moved me to a pool. 

The birthing pool was great it helped my pains and i could also focus better, using a flannel with lavender to relax and music to get into a zone. Unfortunately my body had other plans and started to involuntary push to which baby's heart rate rocketed sky high upto 180bpm and the decision to move me to the consultant ward was made. We were moved downstairs at 9pm (time goes so quickly when your in labour). The move and atmosphere changed my focus and I was begging for an epidural (this was the last thing I thought I would be asking for) and so the long haul was upon me..............

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Breast or Bottle

{This post is my opinion and experience only, please don't shoot me if you feel differently}

Personally I think there is so much pressure on new mummies to breastfeed that it scares a lot of women off even trying, not to mention the thought of cracked sore nipples, mastitis and permanently having a small person hanging off your boobs! I was always of the mind set that I would give it a go and got some great advice from a friend who said to give myself little milestones of 3days, 3weeks, 3months and completing any of these would be beneficial for baby. I was also lucky to have the support of my mum who breastfeed myself and my two brothers for quite some time.

The moment Seve came into the world I had asked for him to be placed on my chest and to try feeding, because of the c-section this was a little delayed and in recovery my little man was showing all signs of wanting to feed so my midwife helped me get him latched on which was a success. 

The next day after being manhandled by another midwife my mum helped me and I found a great position with a pillow and breastfeeding was going great, I also added in a dummy (naughty mummy) but this really helped soothe him once asleep. I reached 3days and was really loving the bond it was creating between me and Seve, looking at the little person I had made and grown was a special feeling.

Over the next few weeks I had really established breastfeeding even feeding when out and about. I also started expressing and added in a bottle, we had been invited to a wedding where we couldn't take Seve and needed him to take a bottle for my parents to look after him. It was 3weeks and adding a bottle was successful, we are using MAM anti colic bottles and dummies and there was no nipple confusion at all, I chose to let Grant feed him the bottle at 7pm whilst I expressed for the following night. 

Daddy feeding

Things changed for me when I was starting to get out and about due to my section healing, I like just going out and not relaxing wasn't helping my milk supply it also didn't help that Seve was wanting larger feeds. I made the decision to add a formula feed in at 11pm to help my supply have a rest and try to help Seve go longer through the night, it actually didn't change the length of time he slept but did mean by the next feed I had lots of milk. 

Having the two bottle feeds was making Seve lazy on the breast and I was contemplating making the switch to formula but spent the whole day in tears as I didn't feel ready. I went a spoke with a breastfeeding specialist and from that moment have been combination feeding. He is now having up to three formula feeds a day (sometimes more sometimes less) and breastfeeding the rest of the time which is a lot less hassle in my opinion. He has gained roughly 8oz a week and now weighs 10lb 1oz little piggy. 

I think breastfeeding is really convenient and really special but it's also a huge tie and when baby has a growth spurt it can be constant feeding. Bottle is good for other people to be able to feed baby and also to gauge how much food baby is having but it's more time consuming having to get the temperature right (Seve takes mainly room temperature bottles) and sterilising (the MAM bottles are so easy to sterilise). I think for me combination feeding has been the best thing for us and happy baby means happy mummy. 

I think I will continue with what I'm doing for a little while longer but I'm not going to pressurise myself if anything changes. My advice is to go with what feels best for you and your little one. X

Monday, 25 August 2014

I'm back!

I've been spending the past six weeks getting to know my little man and adjusting to becoming a mummy. I can't believe he is six weeks old already time has flown.

So in love x

I know I've been a terrible blogger but I didn't realise what a constant job looking after this small person would be and it's only know I've settled into my new role of mummy. I decided to look at Seve's first month as a fourth trimester and have spent lots of my time cuddling and comforting him and making him feel safe, it's not affected him in anyway and is quite happy self soothing at night when I put him in his Moses basket. My C-section has healed really well and I'm still happily breastfeeding which I will blog about this week. This time has allowed me to try all the things we have purchased so I can write about them truthfully. 

These six weeks have been full of smiling, crying, frustration, love and tiredness but I wouldn't change anything when I look at his little face all is forgotten. 


Monday, 28 July 2014

What I really used in hospital!

I packed my bag at 36+5 and went into labour at 36+6 spooky really did I have a sixth sense who knows! I thought it would be nice to do a follow up post on what I actually used and if there was anything I needed extra.

My bag: (the things I used)

  • Maternity pads I definitely used and the Tesco ones I would highly recommend they had a sticky back and stayed put, the hospital ones were awful.
  • The lansinoh nipple cream I used a couple of times.
  • The food I was allowed to nibble on the Colin caterpillars but once I had the epidural wasn't allowed to eat anything, I did however eat the hobnobs after with a cup of tea. The lucozade also helped after having baby.
  • Arnica is a must and I really think it helped my healing.
  • Lavender oil I used on a wet mitt in early labour and found it very helpful to relax with.
  • Makeup I did actually use the next day when I had visitors just to freshen up.
  • Nursing bra was brilliant and the big comfy knickers I'm still wearing now as normal knickers rub on my scar.
  • I only used one set of pyjamas but they came in handy.
  • I used the toothpaste and face wipes.
What I didn't need:
  • Breast pads it didn't use as my milk didn't come in until I got home.
  • Didn't use the nursing top as was in pyjamas most of the time.
  • I didn't use the socks but my mum did!
Baby's bag: what we used
  • The nappies are a must we went through loads (still going through loads)
  • Cotton wool (they make you use in hospital, not the easiest on the first poos) we also used wipes.
  • Swaddle blanket we used as just a blanket to keep him warm.
  • Dummies I used from day one even though I am breastfeeding, I did get told off from the midwife but it's my choice and it's not confused him.
  • Vests and sleep suits we took in tiny baby were actually too big, I'm glad I only brought a few from Asda as they all needed to be rolled up.
  • Hat we used a hat the whole time in hospital but all the hats we took didn't fit on his tiny head
What we didn't use:
  • Muslins fortunately Seve isn't a sicky baby so I didn't use the Muslins but I would say pack some as you never know.
  • Milk I didn't need to use the pre made bottles but I'm glad I took them.
What we needed more of: 
  • Baby grows I think I only packed 3 and we had a wee and poo accident and then needed more! Grant did go out and get some blue ones as we only had white.
I wasn't planning on staying in longer than a night but obviously once I had the c section I didn't have a choice, I think I packed well and I hope this helps other first time mummies as it was one stress I had when thinking of going into hospital. Also I received a bounty pack which had some pampers nappies and wipes, Asda nappies, teeny sudocream  which all came in handy. 

Saturday, 19 July 2014

40 weeks due date

My Due Date.

So to not break tradition in our house hold of being late our little person decided to come into the world exactly on time. 

Myself and Grant welcomed into the world a baby boy (yes I said boy was so convinced it was a girl!) on Saturday 12th July 2014 5.30pm weighing 6lb 8.5oz. He was delivered by emergency c section and we have named him Seve Vincent Nalder. 

Our perfect little dude.

I will update my birth story in a couple of weeks, even though it wasn't the natural labour I was hoping for it was still perfect. It's amazing after the long journey to get to this point now we have Seve both of us are totally smitten with him and I honestly couldn't imagine life without him in it. Xx

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Hospital bags

I'm 39+5 weeks pregnant and I've finally packed my hospital bags! I know I'm crazy but I think part of me had come to the realisation that once I'm packed there will be a baby coming home too. The midwife kept saying "you are having a baby soon". So they are now done.

Being a first time mum I scoured the internet and then asked lots of friend for advice and finally packed what I thought necessary. I mean packing for a holiday has always been a doddle packing for hospital with a small person in tow considerably harder.

Things in my case
  1. Maternity pads (tesco), Lansinoh breast pads x 2 pairs, Lansinoh nipple cream
  2. Food which includes Collin caterpillars (m&s), energy gel, lucozade, robinsons fruit boost & Hobnobs for a cup of tea after. Also in that area is Arnica, lavender oil and balm.
  3. Makeup this includes concealer, lip balm, mascara, bronzer & urban decay naked palette (I probably won't get time to use any of them but it makes me feel better)
  4. Nursing bra and big comfy knickers both from m&s
  5. Two pairs of pyjamas (1 m&s 1 primark) & some warm socks from primary
  6. Post pregnancy vest top with nursing straps (mothercare)
  7. Toiletries which include face wipes, teeth wash, hand sanitiser, shampoo/conditioner (other toiletries will be packed when leaving)
I have also packed a towel which can be thrown and Havanas for walking around hospital.

Baby's case

  1.  Pack of newborn size one pampers nappies 24
  2. Muslins 
  3. Cotton wool and travel size wipes
  4. HIPP starter bottles x 6 (I am going to try breastfeeding but you never know)
  5. Cellular blanket & swaddle blanket
  6. Sterilised dummies
  7. Coming home outfit
  8. Vests, sleep suits in various sizes
Baby has more than me! I found the clothing part quite daunting as I wasn't 100% what size to buy so have gone for some tiny baby upto 7.5lbs and some newborn. We also brought a cardigan today as the weather in the uk has turned chilly but it wasn't in the picture. 

I will put an updated link to a post of what I actually needed once in labour. Can't believe my due date is this sat. Come on munchkin mummy wants to meet you xxx

My update link What I really used

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

My Baby Shower x

On Sunday I was lucky enough to be thrown a baby shower by my friend Tammy at a little guest house in Hertford Rigsby's they put on a really nice afternoon tea with bubbles. It was lovely to have all my friends there and I felt very lucky after our journey that I was finally having my very own baby shower.

We had a selection of sandwiches, scones, brownies and cupcakes which seemed to go down well as there wasn't much left.

We played some baby shower games including pin the sperm on the womb which was funny and guess the size of my bump, everyone guessed so big with my mum almost doubling the size!

Baby and me were very spoilt with gifts I felt a little overwhelmed at everyone's kindness. The gifts were really thoughtful and I know I will use them all. 

Our gifts included
  • Ewan the sheep
  • Jelly cat bunny
  • Gro egg
  • Little white company hooded towel 
  • A teething bangle
  • John Lewis baby grow/bib
  • Cuddly teddy & Next baby's grows 
  • Neals yard mummy kitt
  • Origins relaxing bath and body cream
  • Mother care voucher
  • £30 Abel & Cole vouchers (yummy) 
  • Milestone cards 
  • Converse shoes which were customised with sparkles (can be brought through Boutini)

It was so lovely to be spoilt for the afternoon and spend time with all my friends would highly recommend a baby shower for every mummy to be. I've now only got two more days of work before I start my maternity yay count down to due date xxx

Thursday, 12 June 2014

This week I spent a night in hospital, I'm fine I had a little bleed but as it's the second time it's happened and I'm near full term they wanted to keep an eye on me and baby. It wasn't the most relaxing nights sleep but it made me realise that I've been lucky throughout this pregnancy as some of the ladies have been in hospital for months and are really high risk. I got too see baby again which is nice.

How far along: I'm 35 days plus 5 (one month to go!!)

Baby's size: About the same size as a coconut I had a scan this week and they have estimated baby at 
around 5lbs.

Stretchmarks?: so after doing so well for most of my pregnancy I now have stretch marks on the left of my belly! I have creamed twice a day from day one so it's not through lack of trying, I'm just hoping by keeping to my regime once my belly has gone down they won't be too bad!
Me with my brothers x

Sleep: My sleep has been disturbed this past week not sure if it's a mix of not having long left or starting our extension and having lots on my mind.

Miss anything: Being able to just pop out without a huge amount of effort although this part of my life will never be the same again once munchkin is here.

Movement: I'm really enjoying the movements now they are slow and really forceful poking its little bum out or feet.  

Best moment this week: having our bathroom started so at least I have somewhere to chill and wash baby.

Cravings: not having any just generally eating food

Belly button in or out: it's still in and I think it's going to stay that way.

Happy or moody: i have been getting a bit snappy this past week but I'm sure it's down to the fact that the birth is imminent. I'm not so much scared of the pain or anything going wrong I think I'm just a little but anxious of the length of the labour.

Baby buys: I'm still buying bits for my hospital bag but we also brought some nappys from amazon which were a bargain. My mother in law kindly washed all my baby clothes and dried them in the sun which was lovely can't wait to hang them all up now. 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Pregnancy Update 33 weeks

How far along: I'm 33 + 2 days 

Baby's size: About the size of a pineapple! Glad it's not as spiky! 

Me in blue 33 weeks my friend 39weeks (I feel huge)

Maternity clothes: I brought some maternity leggings from Asda a couple of weeks ago £8 for over the bump and they are really comfortable would highly recommend. Haven't brought anything else as don't want to spend too much money with not that long to go!

Stretchmarks?: still being kept at bay, do have some dark marks on my belly which I think is veins! 

Sleep: I have been sleeping ok, got lots on my mind with trying to nest and starting our extension. But I'm a big believer in what will be will be.

Miss anything: having a large array of clothes to choose from.

Movement: baby has now started doing slow movements which stretch my skin about feels and looks very strange.

Best moment this week: seeing our friend who are now expecting a baby after a long time trying. We also had our hospital tour around Lister in Stevenage, I thought it might freak me out slightly but it's done the opposite and has calmed me a lot. I now know where to go and the midwife lead unit has really nice rooms, the midwife was quite funny and part of me would love her to be on shift when the time comes.

Cravings: not many cravings at the minute and I'm running out of space so don't really fancy dinners been eating more snacks.

Belly button in or out: it's still in and I can't believe it.

Happy or moody: im super happy what's not to be happy about, I have three weeks left at work and six weeks until my due date when I get to meet my chunky monkey.

Baby buys: i have started to purchase the essentials for my hospital bag for me and baby, I think part of me was in denial lol, but after our tour I realised I should get a move on. I've been buying things on offer and have done a list and ticking off as I'm buying. Still a long way to go and my biggest confusion was the size we needed for basic clothes to take to hospital. I decided on tiny baby as most people have said newborns are very skinny and don't fill out most clothes, we got a selection from Asda to get us by then we will know what sex baby is we can purchase pink or blue. 
A small haul but it's a start.

I will do my hospital bag update once I'm packed xx

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Pregnancy Yoga x

Sorry I've not been on this past week seem to be really busy with our extension starting. I know I'm totally mad with baby being due in 7 weeks and a double story extension just getting under way.

To unwind I've been going to pregnancy yoga and have found I sleep much better after a session and don't feel as though I have as bad back as I did. Pauline is a great instructor in fact I went to her normal yoga classes whilst doing IVF. Pauline has been teaching yoga for over 10 years and says you can start Pregnancy Yoga around 16 weeks, she also offers Birthing Preparation classes which I'm booked on in June which are two day classes covering Breathing, Birth positions and general help through labour and breast feeding.

Pregnancy yoga is much more relaxing and gentle than other yoga but it's enough as baby gets bigger. Each class starts and finishes with relaxation, the middle part is stretching and pelvic floor exercises. These classes are also great for meeting new Mums-to-be and quite a few in my class are due near me.

The health benefits of Pregnancy Yoga are:
 –  increases your energy
–  empowers the mother-to-be to have a conscious birth experience
–  keeps you fit whilst being sensitive to the baby + you
–  decreases anxiety
–  strengthens birthing muscles
–  quickens postpartum recovery
–  improves sleep
–  reduces backache
–  improves circulation
–  promotes healthy birth

Excuse the floor extension prep!

The Yoga pants I'm wearing are a brand called KDeer they are specifically for Hot yoga practise as the material is very similar to swimwear which dries quickly. I brought some when practising hot yoga and have found they are perfect for my growing bump as the band is big a stretchy. They come in fantastic prints and can be brought through the UK distributer Hayley Blackman. Hayley is also a great yoga instructor who I had the pleasure of attending her classes before becoming pregnant. Check out Hayley's blog for all things yoga and healthy living. I can't wait to get back to Hot Yoga once baby is here. Xxx

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Old Wives Tales - Boy or Girl

I'm loving all the guesses and opinions on whether we are having pink or blue! Some people are really adamant how I'm carrying or look means I'm having one sex or the other. I thought I would answer some old wives tales and see the predictions.

#1 - Carrying high or low - I'm carrying high = Girl. I'm sure the way you carry is more to do with your body shape, muscle tone etc.

#2 - Linea Nigra - mine has just started to appear from belly button to pubic bone = Girl

#3 - Numbers - adding age at time of conception with month of time you conceived. Age was 30 month October (10) is 40 = Boy

#4 - Sweet, Salty or Sour - as you all know I've been craving jelly sweets & coca cola generally sweet stuff = Girl

#5 - Morning sickness - I felt sick but wasn't physically sick = Boy?

#6 - Wedding ring test - a friend of mine did this to me a result was swinging backwards/forwards rather than circles = Girl 

#7 - How do you look - personally I feel I look like s*#% (what pregnant woman doesn't) but most people say I look glowing and radiant! = Boy

#8 - Sleep on Left or Right - I'm more of a right sleeper (although always wake on my back) = Girl

#9 - Belly shape - I think mines like a watermelon rather than basketball = Girl

#10 - Baby's Heart rate - I do have a Doppler at home (naughty) I haven't used it loads lately now I can feel lots of movement. Baby's heartbeat is usually around 150bpm it was 169bpm a few weeks ago = Girl. I do think this one can depend on baby's movements as if it's been active surely like us it would beat faster!

#11 - Chinese gender prediction - you can use mine says = Boy

#12 - Nub Theory - I try and predict all my friend baby's sex by the nub and so far haven't got it wrong! When I look at mine I think Girl

Let me know if any of your old wives tales were right or even what you think I'm having. Any prediction has a 50/50 chance if being right! X

Monday, 28 April 2014

Pregnancy Update Week 29

How far along: I'm 29 + 2 days pregnant

Baby's size: baby is now the size of a large butternut squash, at the 4d scan the rough weight was 2lb 11oz.

Maternity clothes: I had a lovely trip to Cambridge with Grant and he brought me a blue shirt and black v-neck vest top from Topshop both maternity. We also got a pair of pink converse (no laces) as I'm finding bending down more and more difficult.

Stretchmarks?: still being kept at bay, not having any itching either.

Sleep: I have been sleeping much better these past few weeks, only needing one wee stop a night.

Miss anything: being able to bend down!

Three of us on a night out x

Movement: baby has a nice little pattern of movement, mainly active at night after I eat.

Best moment this week: having our 4d scan, I can't stop staring at the pictures and thinking of this 
little person. I also started pregnancy yoga which was really relaxing.

Cravings: my jelly sweet addiction is a little less, now wanting eggs on toast and fruit mainly mango.

Belly button in or out: it's still in just about!

Happy or moody: I'm really happy and excited at the minute can't wait to meet our little person. Grant even said to me the other day he was really excited, which was super cute.

Baby buys: i got baby another neutral outfit from Mothercare, just couldn't resist. We also purchased an Amby baby hammock to use instead of a Moses basket. I put it up yesterday and it was really easy will do a blog about it once baby is here and using it.

Little outfit x

Have a happy week everyone xx

Friday, 25 April 2014

Peekaboo (4d scan)

We had our 4d scan today at Verulam Clinic St Albans. This is where we had an early scan at 11 weeks. Baby is 29 weeks tomorrow.

The sonographer was lovely and really took her time to show us baby. I was a little apprehensive about having the scan but I think it has helped me to bond more. The middle two pictures the screen was turned to HD Live it was really scary how clear the photos were. I'm now thinking Boy!! 

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Baby Shower Cupcakes

Last weekend I was invited to a friends baby shower and I volunteered to do some cupcakes. She knows she is having a girl so pink themed cupcakes is what I made.

Beautiful mum to be

Cupcake recipe: I've used this recipe for years and was from an American website but it no longer exists. It makes about 12 large muffin tin cupcakes and I've made about 16/18 normal cupcakes with this recipe. 

Turn oven onto 160 degrees or gas mark 4/5

180g Caster Sugar
180g Self raising flour
180g Butter
1tsp Vanilla extract (I always use Dr Oetker) 
1tsp Baking powder
2 large eggs (3medium)
Pinch salt 

1) Beat together butter, sugar & vanilla until creamy
2) Beat eggs in bowl lightly then slowly add to butter/sugar
3) Sieve flour into a bowl & add baking powder and salt
4) Spoon in flour to rest of mixture 
5) Spoon into cupcake cases and bake in oven for about 12-15 minutes (until golden and toothpick comes out clean) all ovens vary.

**I also put a small teaspoon on strawberry jam on top of each cake so when it rises the jam ends up in the middle, so people have a lovely surprise. I've used lemon curd, cherry (almond extract), Nutella and marshmallow fluff to make a great alternative**

Baked & Decorated

I have recently purchased a silicone mould from trulymadlysweetlycupcakes there cakes are amazing and she offers decorating classes which I will try to attend once baby has arrived. To use the mould I brought pink ready rolled fondant icing from Asda, put lots of icing sugar on my work surface rolled out the fondant placed the mat underneath and then used a rolling pin over the top to get an imprint. Mine weren't perfect and I need to buy a bigger cutter so they fit better over the cake. I put a little bit if buttercream on the cupcake and then placed the print on top.

For the Buttercream

1 small box icing sugar 500g
250g Lurpak (slightly salted) butter (melt slightly)
1tsp Vanilla extract (or flavouring of choice)
Splash food colouring of choice 
1/2 tbsp milk (if the mixture needs softening) 

Mix butter and sugar together until soft consistency is achieved (I always try a bit to see if it tastes nice, I don't like to taste butter in it), add vanilla extract and food colouring. Put into disposable piping bag and pipe the cupcakes with desired look. I like to use a large nozzle. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

IBX Gel Protection

Dadi'Oil, IBX & IBX Repair

I purchased the system to use in my salon at the end of Febuary, I was really excited about getting a product that would help my clients who are having gels constantly. I have been using Shellac for around three years and am very impressed with it however some clients like to pick off the gel or soak off with pure acetone, as much as I try to educate clients as to how you best look after your nails there are still some who do damage. 

I have been using IBX on a few clients since feb to see what results I could get, I do think you need a few applications. Below are before and after photos on a client who picked her shellac off and uses cleaning products regularly 

Dry nails

Damage from poor removal

For the first application I did one treatment of IBX repair then two applications of IBX and left the nails bare with just Dadi'Oil to nourish. The client then came back after two weeks and we did one coat of IBX Repair and one coat of IBX the results are below 

Redness has disappeared 

I am very impressed so far with IBX. It can also be used under any gel system and helps to protect the nails from constant gel use. I have yet to try it under Shellac but will hopefully being doing so soon. 

Monday, 7 April 2014

Great Bra Debate!

I keep getting asked about what bra is best during pregnancy. My boobs grew by about week 14 by one whole back size but stayed the same cup size, I felt really uncomfortable wearing underwire as it seemed to dig in and hurt my back. My biggest worry was my boobs not having any support and heading south! I also didn't want to go to nursing bras too early as I don't feel you need them until your breast feeding. For many woman you need support as your boobs grow and even at 26 weeks pregnant mine are inevitably going to get bigger!

My life savers (photo courtesy of M&S)

Who says you have to wear maternity/nursing bras. I found these gems in Marks & Spencer store and they are for post surgery they are so supportive and padded, have no underwire (heaven) and the duo pack of black and white are really handy. They retail at £29.50 for the pack of two, they also have some printed patterns as well they come in all sizes ranging from 32A to 40DD (I'm lucky I fit in this bracket). M&S have a great measuring service and I know I will be purchasing more of these until I have baby.