
Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Birth story part 2

.......I was the girl who had begged my consultant to let me go midwife led (IVF ladies are normally consultant led) and here I was in a consultant led room. I learnt very quickly that babies dictate how your labour goes. 

My midwife did an examination and I was 5cm however she could feel a lump over babies head and explained it could be a vain and it was looking likely I would need a c-section as if my waters were to break it could in theory drown baby as I could hemorrhage, three more internals in between contractions and the final consultant reassured me it wasn't a vein and broke my waters (que warm water and lots of it).

At this point I was on all fours (as this is suppose to help back labour) shouting that I wanted an epidural. My mum arrived at 10.30pm and at around 11pm the anaesthetist came in to give me my best friend, 20minutes later I was a totally different person. I did 8 hours with no pain relief not even gas and air and the epidural was heaven. I kept saying to my mum "I don't know why everyone doesn't have this it's amazing". I was put on the oxytocin drip to help speed up the labour and myself, Grant & mum slept for a few hours which was quite surreal. 
Grant found labour tiresome! 

I progressed to 7cm then 9cm by 1pm on sat 12th, yep 16 hours looking at the same four walls and listening to baby's heartbeat (very relaxing). I had to wait another 4 hours for the consultant to do another internal, due to infection then they could make a decision if I would have a c-section or a natural birth. At 5pm the consultant did his examination and baby hadn't progressed passed 9cm so the drip was removed this made baby's heart rate go all over the place and within seconds I was being wheeled down a corridor towards the theatre. 

Monitoring for hours

This definitely wasn't part of the plan but safety of me and baby was always my top priority......

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