
Sunday 16 February 2014

7 Sleeps until the baby show!

Hi everyone

Today I am 19 weeks 1 day into my pregnancy (half way through). We have our 20 week scan on Friday and then I will be dragging Grant around John Lewis to test out buggies, I'm super excited (him not so much). We also have tickets for the Baby Show at Excel for the Sunday and will hopefully be making some purchases. In the next week I wanted to do a count down of sleeps and each day include a product that I'm wanting to visit at the show with different options that I'm interested in, then do a haul update with what we purchased! I will start tomorrow.

Last night me and bump went out for a friends birthday.

19 weeks x

My outfit was River Island half faux leather leggings with a Boutique bronze jumper (none of which were maternity). My make up was mainly eyes using Topshop crayon cream shadow stick in colour Mystical as a base (these are really good as a base and help your makeup last longer) with MAC Satin Taupe over the top, smoulder on the waterline Max Factor excess volume mascara.

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday with this gorgeous sunny weather xxx 

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