
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mothers Day x

Really wanted to wish all the lovely mummy's a 'Happy Mothers Day' especially all the mummy's to be. I got my first ever Mothers Day card and can quite believe my little pickle will be 8 months this time next year!!
My 1st card, My gorgeous Mum & My current baby Louie (frenchie)

Today we took my mum to The Waffle House in St Albans, it's a lovely little restaurant specialising in sweet and savoury waffles with outdoor seating, once you have eaten you can pop over the road to Verulamium park which has a lovely lake and lots of children's play areas ideal for working off your waffle! Last summer we took Louie with us as they are dog friendly then let him run over the lake. Word of warning you do need to get there early as after 10am there can be a really long que as its first come first served.

My Banana Banoffee Waffle me and baby thoroughly enjoyed it Yum xx 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

My IVF Journey (part 2)

.......continued from part 1. Our third cycle we went back to see Dr Mauro at Bourn Hall, I must admit I was very tempted to change clinics after our last cycle but after seeing Dr Mauro I felt on a high.

What I did/changed this cycle:

  • Hot yoga upto egg collection - I have practised yoga before but not hot yoga a new clinic opened up near me called Pow yoga and with a great offer I started going four times a week up to  egg collection. It was really good for my body and mind, I lost weight and felt very calm. Would highly recommend.
  • Vitamins - I did take basic multi vitamins for both previous rounds, this cycle I started taking Bee pollen, propolis & royal jelly, B6, Flaxseed & Maca. Grant also took vitamins this cycle they weren't for fertility just a good multi vitamin. 
  • Acupuncture - I decided to do 8 sessions of electro acupuncture as I felt these really worked for my lining and follicle growth. I think it's a matter of preference as I felt doing acupuncture before and after transfer would have made me more stressed but I know people who find it relaxes them. 
  • Positive thinking - I know it sounds corny but I never gave up hope that one day I would become a 'mummy'. I read 'The Secret' just as my cycle started and used positive affirmations to visualise my baby, yoga helped with this as well. I tried to meditate most days and used relaxing music at night. 
  • Short Antagonist Cycle - the most important part for me was changing cycles, once I had discussed with Dr Mauro about my low AMH and producing lots of follicles but not many eggs we changed to a short cycle so no down regulation (no horrific moods wings).
  • Pippelle scratch - a procedure where the lining of the womb is scratched to help promote the embryo to stick. The procedure wasn't at all bad just a tiny amount of discomfort.
  • Clexane - blood thinner which can help stop any clotting disorders which can help implantation. 

Most of all don't give up hope, I really believed I needed to change my cycle and luckily I had a great consultant who listened and allowed me to. Go with you gut feeling and keep telling yourself "I WILL BE A MUMMY". 

Our final round we got 13 eggs and 7 fertilised, 6 embabies made it to day 5 we had one top quality blastocyst transferred and have 5 frozen! Proof you should never give up xxx

My IVF Journey (part 1)

A really good friend of mine is starting IVF in April at Bourn Hall in Cambridge (same clinic as me) and has been asking me for advice for her first round. I've not really posted about my experience on my blog before as I suppose in my head I still wasn't in the safe zone. I'm now 24 weeks and although I wouldn't wish baby to come yet we are classed as viable! Yay

Bourn Hall where it all started.

I was referred to Bourn Hall in Sept 2009, their protocol is to have couples attend a seminar first with everything about the clinic and treatment is explained it was really interesting and Grant found all the scientific research fascinating. We then had our consultation a week later where our individual protocol was explained and we could ask any questions, we had Dr Valentina Mauro who was absolutely lovely and I felt really comfortable with her. For our first round of IVF I was put on the long cycle which takes around 6 weeks from start to egg collection. 

I approached this first go completely blind I had only my cousin for advice (she has two beautiful twins through IVF) I also decided to tell all my clients, friends & family we were doing IVF. I wasn't very prepared but it was actually quite a good thing as I took every step at a time, unlike my friend who has been reading up on the process! 

Being a needle phobe I remember doing my first injection and nearly passing out! They aren't as bad as you think and it's actually cured my phobia which I'm greatfull for, it's not pleasant passing out after every blood test. 

We got 5 eggs at collection 3 made it to day two when I had my transfer and I got my first ever positive pregnancy test, unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage at just over five weeks. I was a complete mix of emotions and it made me realise how much having a family meant to me.

Follicle scan (not mine)

My second cycle was actually quite a blur, I'm not sure if it was because of our failed cycle or having cycles close together I felt like I wasn't in the right mind set! We had a follow up appointment with a different Doctor who didn't change much about the cycle and I felt really flat leaving the appointment. I started having acupuncture and been recommended a lady local to me Jody Ragg who was really lovely. This second cycle flew by and after a traumatic egg collection (I reacted to the local anaesthetic) we got 7 eggs 4 fertilised and had two blastocysts put back on day five. This cycle sadly didn't work and so we was back to square one! 

Our 3rd and final nhs cycle I decided to change both my mindset and everything about the cycle I took control over and with all the changes I now have a little foot kicking into my ribs! 

For part 2 I will write the changes I did and how I approached the final cycle xxx

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Mexican Bola Pregnancy Necklace

When I was first pregnant I found myself feeling very anxious and unable to connect with the little person growing inside me. I'm not sure if this was because of having IVF but I just couldn't believe it had finally happened. Now bubs is wriggling and moving I have a gentle reminder of their presence and bonding has begun.

I had heard about the Mexican Bola Necklace after searching the Internet I came across a UK company called Blooming Lovely Jewellery  they started with the Bola and have now got a lovely range of meaningful jewellery for mums-to-be. Their collection is gorgeous and I would happily purchase everything!

I purchased the 'Pretty Silver Bola' on the natural brown cord £17. My package arrived with the necklace wrapped in paper with a sticker saying "open me" in a lovely drawstring bag, i fell in love. This company really has put a lot of thought into their presentation, and it was nice to receive and open.

The little card explained about the Bola, and that when the necklace chimes you will think of your baby, baby will connect with the noise and once born you can use the necklace to help soothe your little one.

I've been wearing my necklace everyday since I received it only taking it off at night. I have been wearing it quite low near my belly button and when I walk it softly chimes which wouldn't bother anyone, it's actually quite relaxing. The natural cord goes with anything your wearing, I would like a silver chain as well for more dressy occasions. This would make such a lovely present for any Mum-To-Be or even a treat for yourself! Other famous mummy's who wear them are Frankie (from the Saturdays) & Megan Fox. 

A selfie of me today wearing my Bola enjoying the sunny weather! Xx

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Breakfast Smoothie x

When I started this final round of IVF I was really into Hot Yoga and healthy eating. One of my favourite ways of getting vitamins and goodness was having a smoothie or juice for breakfast. These past 22 weeks I have been really naughty and not really thinking about how much healthy eating is important through pregnancy. Now the sun has made a appearance it's made me think about more about having smoothies for breakfast again. So this morning I made one of my favourites:

Ingredients: Banana (small) - high in potassium and vitamin B6 they are also good at settling stomach acids during when feeling sick.
Porridge Oats - great source of Folic Acid and helps you feel full as it releases energy slowly.
Coconut milk (not can) - coconuts are full of electrolytes and potassium they also have magnesium and calcium and anti fungal and anti bacterial properties.
Peanut butter (Whole Earth no sugar) - tablespoon, obviously don't use this if your allergic to nuts. Peanuts are a great source of protein but are really calorific so try not to over indulge.
Flaxseed (1 teaspoon) - again I took these before pregnancy and throughout the first trimester so knew I wouldn't react. There high in fibre so great for constipation, good for omega 3 which is great for baby's development in the first trimester.
Greek yogurt - great source of protein and is the top ten of pregnancy foods. It's also a good source of calcium.

I also added a tiny bit of maple syrup to taste which is better than sugar and also a sprinkle of cinnamon. This smoothie is lovely if you want to start you day packed with goodness and have something to keep you going until lunch. You could add strawberries, mango, blueberries etc but please be careful if you have allergies during pregnancy you can take out flaxseed and have Chia seeds.

Enjoy x

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Baking Birthday Cakes

Today is Grants birthday and I really wanted to bake him a birthday cake waking up early was my perfect opportunity to start. I found a recipe which said it was the "best chocolate cake ever" now that is a statement! I tend to not bake chocolate cakes as I find there either too dry or not enough of a strong chocolate taste. Grant loves anything chocolate so I decided to half the recipe and use a loaf tin which worked perfectly so we could have slices warm with cream yum!

When I had mixed the ingredients together and added the boiling water I thought I had done something wrong the mixture was really runny and bubbly but it turned out great! We have an old
cooker so I ended up baking for an hour on gas mark 5.

Our verdict a lovely moist chocolatey cake which was very easy to make will keep this recipe for the future and maybe try a round cake. Happy Sunday x

Friday, 7 March 2014

Getting Crafty x

Many years ago my nan tried to teach me how to knit, I was a terrible pupil and failed miserably. I didn't really have any interest in learning until I started IVF and wanted to test myself with something that would take my mind off treatment. I bumped into a friend who had just had a baby and a relative had knitted her a pom pom blanket I had never really seen one before and decided to have a look at patterns and different wool. It looked really hard to knit but after three attempts I managed to complete a blanket for a friend. My first try ended in too many dropped stitches and the blanket unravelling, the second got knocked off the needle and the third ended up with a gorgeous blanket. Since completing the first blanket I have now completed my second and have to say they are so easy to do and you can complete them really quickly. I used 3.45 needle and RICO wool (purchased from Hobby Craft) I found this pattern which I followed

I now love my new found skill and will carry on making these blankets much to my partners dismay, coming home to a pregnant Nora Batty!! X