Bourn Hall where it all started.
I was referred to Bourn Hall in Sept 2009, their protocol is to have couples attend a seminar first with everything about the clinic and treatment is explained it was really interesting and Grant found all the scientific research fascinating. We then had our consultation a week later where our individual protocol was explained and we could ask any questions, we had Dr Valentina Mauro who was absolutely lovely and I felt really comfortable with her. For our first round of IVF I was put on the long cycle which takes around 6 weeks from start to egg collection.
I approached this first go completely blind I had only my cousin for advice (she has two beautiful twins through IVF) I also decided to tell all my clients, friends & family we were doing IVF. I wasn't very prepared but it was actually quite a good thing as I took every step at a time, unlike my friend who has been reading up on the process!
Being a needle phobe I remember doing my first injection and nearly passing out! They aren't as bad as you think and it's actually cured my phobia which I'm greatfull for, it's not pleasant passing out after every blood test.
We got 5 eggs at collection 3 made it to day two when I had my transfer and I got my first ever positive pregnancy test, unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage at just over five weeks. I was a complete mix of emotions and it made me realise how much having a family meant to me.
Follicle scan (not mine)
My second cycle was actually quite a blur, I'm not sure if it was because of our failed cycle or having cycles close together I felt like I wasn't in the right mind set! We had a follow up appointment with a different Doctor who didn't change much about the cycle and I felt really flat leaving the appointment. I started having acupuncture and been recommended a lady local to me Jody Ragg who was really lovely. This second cycle flew by and after a traumatic egg collection (I reacted to the local anaesthetic) we got 7 eggs 4 fertilised and had two blastocysts put back on day five. This cycle sadly didn't work and so we was back to square one!
Our 3rd and final nhs cycle I decided to change both my mindset and everything about the cycle I took control over and with all the changes I now have a little foot kicking into my ribs!
For part 2 I will write the changes I did and how I approached the final cycle xxx
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